Desain Komunikasi Visual – English

Designer with
Cultural Values

The Visual Communication Design Bachelor's Degree Program at Indonesia Istitute of Arts Surakarta can produce independent, intelligent, creative, and competitive designers, as well as those with Indonesian cultural character.

Visual Communication Design

Indonesia Institute of Arts Surakarta

We are producing world-leading graduates for creative designers with Nusantara cultural values.

Student Achievement

Testimonials from DKV Students in the 2022 IISMA Program

Nanda Aqshal Cendharana, DKV student passed the IISMA 2022 program at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.

How to Register


Seleksi Nasional Berbasis Prestasi is one of the ways to register for higher education through report card grades and academic achievements.


Joint selection for the acceptance of new students in state universities uses a national written exam pattern.


New student admissions are carried out independently by the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta.